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Boeing kehittää toimintaansa Blockchainin ja IoT:een avulla

BloggausIoT-driven blockchains help manufacturers to streamline operations through an indelible, detailed shared record of information about the life cycle of assets.
Aviation adopts IoT and blockchain

Recently, we’ve posted a story about the potential of combining the blockchain technology and IoT into an IoT-driven blockchain. This combination is being recognized as a winning adoption by the aviation industry. In that story, we highlighted the industries and scenarios that could benefit from the merging of the two technologies.

One such use case is in manufacturing, specifically for parts life cycle tracking and maintenance, where an IoT-driven blockchain could be used to track individual part provenance from the manufacturing date all the way to disposal.

Robert Rencher
A couple of months ago in IBM InterConnect and more recently at the Internet of Things World, Boeing’s Robert Rencher talked about how the aircraft manufacturer was using IoT-driven blockchains to bolster their aviation ecosystem from asset management to customer transparency.

“We continue to see opportunities in operational efficiencies throughout the aviation ecosystem. A key to this is improving the trust in data utilization across the ecosystem.” —Robert Rencher, Boeing

Please have a look at whole story here:

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