ESA Group Chooses Miradore Online for Its Ease of Use and Windows Phone Support
ESA Group, founded in 1947, provides complete management of all maritime vessels, being the only Italy-based “One Stop Shop” in shipping management.
The Group operates as ESA (Enterprise Shipping Agency) in the crew management sector, with wide range of resulting activities, such as, recruitment and resourcing of crew members, control of administrative practices, for example, embarking and disembarking, and training and ongoing management of officers and mariners employed by ships.
ESA Group needed a simple and reliable solution to manage their Windows Phones for mobile inventory, fast remote wiping, password protection, and deploying Wi-Fi settings.
Miradore Online was chosen for its ease of use and full Windows Phone support, a quality that many other MDM vendors lack. ESA Group believes that Windows Phone platform will be a winning choice for interoperability between PC’s and mobile devices and provide end users a friendly and familiar user interface.
ESA Group found that Miradore Online’s web-based user interface enabled fast and easy enrollment of their Windows Phone devices and configuration profiles. In addition, short learning curve contributed to the fact that they achieved the goals and targets they had set with very little effort.
Tilaaja: | ESA Group |
Ajankohta: | 2015 |
Tietohallinto | |
BI ja raportointi | |
Taloushallinto |
It-omaisuuden hallinta | |
Integraatiot | |
It-infra loppukäyttäjäpalvelut | |
It-infrapalvelut | |
Pilvipalvelut / SaaS |
Kuljetus, liikenne ja logistiikka | |
Koulutusala | |
IT |
Windows Phone | |
Android | |
iOS |
Tarjonnan tyyppi
Laitteet | |
Valmisohjelmisto |
Omat tagit
Miradore - Asiantuntijat ja yhteyshenkilöt
Miradore - Muita referenssejä
Miradore - Muita bloggauksia
It- ja ohjelmistoalan työpaikat
- Laura - Data Engineer
- Laura - Datainsinööri, tietohallinto
- Laura - Ohjaaja media- ja it-tiimi / oppisopimus
- Laura - Kesätyöpaikat IT-ala
- Frends iPaaS - Technical Community Manager
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