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Large corporates credit rating solution

TarjouspyyntöEnnakkoilmoitus: Finnvera Plc

This document is not a prior information notice, a contract notice or an invitation to tender and the purpose of the publication of the document is not to start a tendering process. This request for information is submitted as part of a market survey. Participating to the potential future tendering process does not require giving information to this request. The purpose of the request for information is to explore corporate credit rating solutions designed for assigning internal credit ratings to large corporate counterparties. Companies interested in the matter are requested to send descriptions of available solutions, a short description of the company, a price indication and information whether the solution is available for demonstration or trial purposes. The solution description should contain information on the general design, theoretical framework and user interface of the solution. Please send your answer to hankinnat@finnvera.fi by June 15th, 2018 4 pm.

The desired credit rating solution includes the intellectual property as well as the technical software and/or user interface, relevant technical and user documentation, initial staff training and maintenance & support features that are required to assign and update high quality internal credit ratings on an ongoing basis.


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