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Renewal of financing operative systems

TarjouspyyntöHankintailmoitus: Finnvera plc : Renewal of financing operative systems

Osallistumishakemukset 28.10.2019 klo 12.00 mennessä osoitteeseen:

The RAJU initiative will replace two of the most central operative systems, which makes it a very broad initiative that affects most operative processes and employees, and will provide a new platform for all Finnvera’s existing and future financial products. The procurement includes the new COTS based core system(s), delivering the new system(s) and related integrations, continuous application management service and possible additional development projects. The scope of the renewal covers the functionality for • support for the finance origination process across all products including increased automation and full case management and audit trail of decision process • management of collaterals • full life cycle servicing and transactions for export financing products with full case management and audit trail The object of the procurement is described in more detail in the request to participate and its appendices.


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