Jarno Leskelä - asiantuntijaprofiili
Experienced Product Developer, Project Manager with very strong mechanics design background. I know very well what it takes to develop hardware product from scratch to mass production.
Strong target and achievement focus. Strong service attitude and good communication and interpersonal skills.
Positive mindset, team player who really want to help my team and customers to get best possible results.
My systematic way to work ensures great results in any role what I have.
Asiantuntijan infoboxi
Nimike: | Sales Director |
E-mail: | jarno.leskela@haltian.com |
Some: |
Asiakaspalvelu | |
Myynti | |
Projektinhallinta | |
Tietohallinto | |
Tuotanto | |
Tuotekehitys ja suunnittelu |
Dokumenttien hallinta | |
Integraatiot | |
IoT | |
Ketterät menetelmät | |
Paikkatieto GIS |
Asiantuntijapalvelut | |
IT | |
Kuljetus, liikenne ja logistiikka | |
Telekommunikaatio | |
Terveys- ja sosiaalipalvelut | |
Urheilu, viihde ja virkistys | |
Valmistava teollisuus |