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Case Tampere University Hospital: Data utilization helps to reduce costs and improve patient care

ReferenssiTampere University hospital is one of the biggest hospitals in Finland, providing demanding and highly specialized health care services to over one million Finns. With the recognition of health care industry being deep in transformation, the hospital wanted to explore new possibilities of analytics and data utilization in order to improve their overall competitiveness. Together with Quva Oy, a company specialized in providing analytics and software solutions, the hospital started a pilot project in order to find out how analytics could help them to operate in more productive ways. With Quva’s machine learning and data analytics, the hospital was able to recognize that resources were scattered and unequally divided; only 10 % of all the patients caused nearly 70 % of the total costs, significant number of patients having multiple, long term illnesses.

- In general there are effective care protocols for different individual illnesses, but in case of a patient with multiple, long term illnesses, there is severe need to come up with more
centralized and focused patterns. In the future, it is crucial that we are able to better identify the multiple illness patients early on, in order to better allocate our resources and provide preventive care.

– Erkki Kujansuu,
The Chief Administrative Physician,
Tampere University Hospital

More info at: http://quva.fi/site/attachments/quva_case_pshp_web.pdf


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