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Drupal core maintenance & development + multi-vendor framework agreement

TarjouspyyntöEnnakkoilmoitus: Aalto University Foundation sr



The purpose of the publication of this request for information is not to start a tendering process. This is a request for information submitted as part of a preliminary study and a market survey.

Aalto University is building a university wide communication and collaboration platform. The purpose of the Drupal platform service is to provide content management system that enables a world-class user experience where finding information, performing tasks, and finding people and spaces for collaboration, as well as showcasing the results of this collaboration are intuitive and user-friendly. We are now nearing the end of the beta-phase of this project (www.aalto.fi).

That platform has been built on Acquia’s cloud service with Drupal 8. Acquia is responsible for the cloud service according to the service agreement between Aalto and Acquia.


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