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First of its Kind Energy Efficient Apartment Building: Residents Pay for their Actual Energy Use, Monitored in Real-Time by BaseN

ReferenssiAdjutantti is a low-energy 8-stories high A-class apartment building in Espoo, near Helsinki, Finland. Each of its 42 apartments has sophisticated individual smart home energy measurement, monitoring and control systems, which are designed to inform and influence the behavior of residents in order to optimize their energy use.
In addition to that, the property has its own distributed energy production with solar panels and elevator break energy generators.
The Adjutantti building is part of a new urban living concept being developed by construction company Skanska, energy utility Fortum, and ABB.

Real-Time Data of Individual Consumption and Distributed Energy Production

BaseN realizes an apartment specific, real-time, electricity, water and heating energy monitoring system for Adjutantti - the first of its kind in the world. BaseN stores the entire lifecycle of the individual apartments and the whole building as such. BaseN also provides data insight for the building's own solar energy system, the eco-efficient elevators and the electric car charging stations in the building's garage.
The building's solar energy system consists of 136m2 of roof-mounted panels. The system produces annually around 20,000 kWh of energy, which equates to approximately 20 percent of the building’s electrical requirements for the common facilities. Surplus energy is used to supply the building’s electrical vehicle charging stations or is supplied to Fortum’s electricity network.
The Adjutantti property elevators are provided by Kone. They are eco-efficient as they can change the down force energy when created back into electricity and feed it to the network. The re-created energy is monitored with the elevator connected sub metering and the information will be available from the BaseN Platform in a suitable format.

How the BaseN Solution works for Adjutantti

At the unit level, heating water temperature and energy is monitored by M-bus capable ultrasonic meters (Sharky 773/775, Hydrometer Gmbh), and tap water temperatures by another (Corona E/Flypper, Hydrometer Gmbh). The meters have 2 M-Bus outputs from which BaseN collects the consumption data.
Room temperatures and thermostats, lighting, and even individual wall sockets are monitored and controlled. ABB's KNX based home automation system can be operated within the unit and through the BaseN Platform home portal with a smart phone.
Main heating and lighting are controlled by KNX capable switches, and unit temperature is monitored with a KNX capable temperature sensor. The heating energy used in each apartment is measured from the central district heating connection with a Saint-Cobain meter. The meter gives as output the instantaneous heating energy flow to the apartment and BaseN Platform calculates the amount of heating energy used for the wanted period of time.
A pulse output enabled power meter (SchellCount) provides inhabitants with real-time information on their private electricity usage.
These basic features can be expanded, thanks to the bus solution and the BaseN Platform, to provide per room heating control and temperature sensing, and even controllable electric sockets.


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