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Live Video Recording Solution

TarjouspyyntöEnnakkoilmoitus: Finnish Broadcasting Company (Yleisradio Oy)

Yle is planning to renew its live video recording solutions that records a variety of video media content via SDI-signal (and in future also via IP) and shares this content across diverse platforms. In the current state, Yle has two separate live recording solution used by D-center (an organization unit responsible for capturing and archiving live TV or VOD programmes) and by News broadcasting. D-center’s solution is obsolete and it needs to be replaced soon. News broadcasting’s solution will be still used approximately for four years. Yle is interested to find a solution that could replace in long run both of these solutions as well as meet other future development needs. Yle wishes to receive suggestions and recommendations from respondents on how to address the future needs in live video recording. After evaluating the information provided by respondents, Yle may start a tendering process later during 2019.


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