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Music Master Data Management and Reporting Solution

TarjouspyyntöHankintailmoitus: Yleisradio Oy

Osallistumishakemukset 12.09.2018 klo 13.00 mennessä

Finnish Broadcasting Company Yleisradio Oy requests participants for a competitive negotiated procedure. The objective is to find the best solution / service that can be used to improve the management of music related metadata and usage data and the generation of music declaration reports. With this Request to Participate Yle is seeking for solutions in three different areas: 1) MDM solution that will replace current distributed music metadata archives 2) Solution(s) for automatically collecting music usage data from different channels, especially from ones that require a lot of manual work at the moment 3) Music declaration reporting solution. The proposed solutions can be independent solutions covering one of these areas. As a whole the main objective is to reduce the amount of manual work involved in the management, collection and reporting of music related metadata and usage data, to harmonize the music related data across Yle and to maintain high data quality and coverage.


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