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Pankkiasiakkaan luotettu yhteistyökumppani



Boogie Software has provided consultation and software professional services for Nordea since 2012. The co-operation has ranged from core banking and omni-channel digital touch point development services in Nordea Group Digital projects, to Nordea’s cutting edge innovation programs, including key positions like lead developer and lead platform architect assignments.

"The level of expertise shown by Boogie’s personnel in Nordea projects has been constantly exceptionally high, resulting with excellent customer satisfaction. Service provided by Boogie Software has been reliable, motivated and inspired, with exemplary professional approach to all assigned projects and tasks."

VICTOR ARROYO, Head of Engineering / Nordea Digital Banking


"The level of expertise shown by Boogie’s personnel in Nordea projects has been constantly exceptionally high, resulting with excellent customer satisfaction. Service provided by Boogie Software has been reliable, motivated and inspired, with exemplary professional approach to all assigned projects and tasks."

Victor Arroyo


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