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Prior notification: Gaming point of sale terminals´ and applications´ life cycle services

TarjouspyyntöEnnakkoilmoitus: Veikkaus Oy

Veikkaus Oy started its operations at the beginning of 2017, as the Finnish gaming system was reformed and the previous three operators Fintoto, Finland’s Slot Machine Association (RAY), and Veikkaus merged into a single gaming company owned by the Finnish State. Veikkaus operates all the gambling games that are offered in Finland. With the help of this procurement Veikkaus rebuilds and combines its sales services into its own new sales application, which shall be implemented into around 5 000 new point of sale terminals. So, Veikkaus is looking for around 5 000 new sales terminals and peripherals and their life cycle services. These life cycle services are divided in two categories: Device services and Services for Veikkaus software development.


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