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React Native at your service


Behind the scene

A smart robot came into the possession of Superflash, right when the world needs it the most - during Covid-19. As the pandemic grew more vicious, no-touch interactions became essential and the new normal.

That’s why many big establishments around the world deemed it fit to equip Superflash’s robots at their services, including Helsinki’s event hotspot - Epicenter. Epicenter wished to use this robot to encourage touch-free communication, enabling guests to find their destinations within the building on their own. 

Superflash’s vision was: the smart robot should run on Android and has the capability to receive orders and guide guests to their desired destinations. However, as a shell without sentience (and we do hope that it stays this way), there was no easy way for the robot to customize its behaviour based on the guest’s needs. 

Reactron provided Superflash with new technical knowledge that brought life to their smart robot - a software for personalized services. 

The challenge

This is not a popular technology and the documentation hasn't been written with many developer reviews in mind. The documentation is also written in Chinese, so Reactron needed to muster additional external resources to figure out the meaning. We studied the robot documentation carefully and also did extensive experiments to achieve the desired result. The robot debug workflow was also very challenging and recompiling the software everytime isn’t a good idea.

Results & Impact

  • The robot was launched at Epicenter with 100% customer satisfaction and now happily serves guests as the Robot Butler.
  • Reactron’s software helped Superflash customize their robot’s interface according to the client’s needs.
  • Visions coming true: the robot now has smart no-touch and personalized capabilities through voice recognition and remote control. 
  • Thanks to the prototype, Superflash was able to validate their ideas, test the robot, and launch it to Epicenter. The prototype also becomes the foundation for future robots.
  • The customer’s budget is aligned and we delivered exceptionally good result comparing to the budget
  • Despite COVID-19 situation we still managed to get the project rolling and delivered

How we did it

  • We want to minimize the time the software should be re-compiled by using React Native, which is what we are the best at. 
  • We changed the React Native debug bridge that only sends the code changes to the software so the robot experiment can be done as fast as possible. 
  • We work closely with the CEO and the building owner to understand the floor plan of the building and their needs, to provide the most matching solution.

About Superflash

Superflash is a customer-centric robotic solution and smart accessories provider in Finland.

Bold and innovative, Superflash aims to create fun and meaningful experiences for everyone around the globe with our autonomous robotic solutions and smart accessories. We want to help you see the world differently.

Jumping on the bandwagon with Superflash to take your customer service on a whole new level. We believe in humanity in technology, and we’re letting our robots prove the point. With AI-driven machine learning and autonomy through voice command, Sail and Run robots support hotels, hospitals, and retailers to streamline the service process and co-create impactful differences.


We got to know Reactron through Business Finland’s Innovation Voucher services, which enabled us to grow our business significantly faster because they provided us with the technical knowledge that we didn’t have. Reactron built a software prototype for our smart robot using React Native, which is a technology that they’re exceptionally good at. We’re glad to have them at the start of our journey because it helped us validate our ideas, test our robot, and solidify the foundation for our future robots.

Keija Jin

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Tilaaja: Superflash Oy
Ajankohta: 2020
Keija Jin


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