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Replace defective items in equipment reservations

BloggausEquipment tends to break down from time to time. It is annoying, especially when it happens during a project where you are using the equipment.

Obviously, you need to replace the defective items to continue the project. At the same time, you must keep track of what items you are using after you replaced the defective item.

Equipment reservations and defect reports are core functionalities of the equipment management system Trail. We have now expanded these functionalities by introducing an easy way to replace the defective items in the browser application.

In this blog post, I will walk you through the functionality: Replace defective items in equipment reservations


Siirry yrityksen profiiliin Trail Systems kotisivut Yrityshaku Referenssihaku Julkaisuhaku

Trail Systems - Asiantuntijat ja yhteyshenkilöt

Asiantuntijoita ja yhteyshenkilöitä ei ole vielä kuvattu.

Trail Systems - Muita referenssejä

Trail Systems - Muita bloggauksia

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