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REQUEST FOR INFORMATION: Budgeting and project management system


Tampere University Foundation sr : REQUEST FOR INFORMATION: Budgeting and project management system

Tampere University Foundation employs approximately 4,000 people. From the perspective of SAP, the contracting authority is currently undertaking 2,300 projects (co-funded projects, business projects, etc.) and 600 internally funded activities (internal orders). The purpose of this request for information is to map out potential suppliers that would be able to provide the contracting authority with an integrated system that includes both the budgeting and project management functionalities. The contracting authority is also looking to learn more about suppliers that would be able to provide the contracting authority with either the budgeting system or the project management system. This is a request for information. This is only a prior information notice. This is not a procurement notice, a contract notice or an invitation to tender. The purpose of this request for information is not to initiate a tendering process.


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