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Siemens Internet of Things (SAP)

ReferenssiSiemens to build open cloud platform for industrial customers

Nuremberg, 2015-Mar-12

  • Platform for data-based services such as predictive condition monitoring or energy data management
  • Platform for analyzing "big data" from industrial applications
  • Solution will be based on the SAP HANA® Cloud Platform
  • Platform as a Service offering for OEMs and application developers
Siemens builds an open cloud platform for analyzing large datasets in industry. This will provide a platform for data-based services such as Siemens offers for predictive maintenance, asset and energy data management. Original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) can also create their own applications to exploit the open infrastructure for data analytics. For example, data can be analyzed to optimize operation of the OEM's machinery fleets (Platform as a Service). It is intended that the new cloud platform will utilize the technologies of the SAP HANA® Cloud Platform. Based on SAP's in-memory technology, the SAP HANA Cloud Platform is an open platform that enables customers and developers to develop, extend and operate apps in the cloud. "The establishment of the new cloud platform will make a significant contribution to driving forward the digitalization of automation. Powerful services for analyzing data from industry are an important part of our digital enterprise strategy", declared Klaus Helmrich, Managing Board Member of Siemens AG.

This development further extends the data-based services Siemens unveiled in 2014. With these Plant Data Services, machinery and systems data is continuously recorded, preprocessed and analyzed, providing real added value to manufacturing companies. For instance, the "Asset Analytics" services enable companies to increase the availability of machines, production lines or entire systems through continuous online monitoring. Intelligent pattern recognition or simulation is used to identify potential problems well in advance to enable corrective measures before unplanned downtimes occur. "Energy Analytics" energy data management services support plant operators by providing the transparency of usage data and revealing hidden energy savings potential.
With the creation of the new cloud platform, Siemens is enhancing its Plant Data Services to encompass "Plant Cloud Services". Based on the SAP HANA Cloud Platform, an open IT ecosystem is to be created: OEMs and application developers can access the platform via open interfaces to utilize it for their own services and analytics – for example online monitoring of machine tools, industrial robots or industrial machinery such as compressors and pumps located anywhere in the world.

Encrypted communication and the use of certified data centers for processing and storing the data will ensure high levels of security. The latest cybersecurity technologies will be employed.
The open cloud platform for industry is currently in a pilot phase and will be gradually rolled out to further customer groups over the course of this year.

Further information about industry cloud services will be available at the SAP stand (hall 4, stand C04) at CeBIT 2015.


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