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Software Developer for HILLA Fenix

TarjouspyyntöKansallinen hankintailmoitus: Oulun yliopisto

Osallistumishakemukset 24.8.2018 klo 15.00 mennessä

Hilla is a Business Finland-funded national-level acceleration and investment program targeting to accelerate collaboration, creativity and capturing of new businesses in selected industries (wireless ICT, automotive and traffic, health and wellbeing, and heavy industries), whose growth is largely dependent on ICT with cutting-edge research and innovations. Program is open to all relevant parties in Finland. Nationwide broadening of the HILLA model has been identified as a new strategic development step of the program. Broadening will be supported by a national information system that ties together the central ideas and processes developed for the HILLA program and provides the Finnish industries, research institutes and funding bodies with effective and smooth access to the data that is shared between the parties. Development of the information system is identified with the slogan Fenix. Software development work of the Fenix information system has started at the University of Oulu during the summer 2016 and now followed by the second phase of the development work. For the software development work we are now looking for a Software Developer having strong ICT background and a proven track record in developing distributed information systems. This offer starts in August 2018, and covers 6 person months. If funding allows and there is a need, it is possible to continue contract another 6 months. The task of the SW Developer is to: ‡ Being a member of the definition team of the Fenix system with a specific focus on technical solutions ‡ Defining the core architectural solutions of the system supporting modularity, expandability ‡ Evaluating, validating and selecting the building elements of the system ‡ Participating in estimating the costs of the development work with a specific focus on the selected technical solutions ‡ Creating the technical parts of the Fenix definition documentation For you to succeed in the job we expect the following: ‡ Experience in the ICT industry, development of information systems ‡ Experience in cloud service architectures and interfaces ‡ Experience in social media architectures and interfaces ‡ Experience in devops with technologies like Gitlab CI/CD, server provisioning, Jenkins ‡ Strong technical background with frontend technologies such as Angular 4, Karma, Jasmine, Boostrap, Webpack ‡ Strong technical background with backend technologies such as Spring Boot, JPA, Java, Javascript, Maven, PostgreSQL ‡ Prior work experience on folksonomy based tagging systems with R ‡ Knowledge of text feature extraction from free form descriptions ‡ Positive attitude and team working spirit ‡ Prior experience on one or several areas of the HILLA / Allied ICT Finland ecosystem mod


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