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The ID/account-based ticketing system

TarjouspyyntöEnnakkoilmoitus: Helsingin Seudun Liikenne - kuntayhtymä

The goal is to acquire an ID/account-based ticketing system. In the first phase we are looking for suppliers interested in participating in a technical dialogue about the account-based ticketing system, excluding hardware solution.

The ID/account-based ticketing system that will possibly be acquired, should support different identification solutions such as contactless payment cards, smart cards, mobile devices, and possible other Identifications. The ID/account-based system must support open loop payments, fare calculation and the management of travel rights, accounts, products, fares etc. The system must be integrated into external systems, such as financial management, reporting and so on. The system to be acquired must be able to receive and process an estimated 50 million events per month and to respond to these in real-time.


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