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What third party maintenance can offering you ?

BloggausWhile you may not yet be convinced of the intrinsic value or flexibility of the third-party hardware support industry, the times are changing. More than ever, your IT peers are embracing alternatives to effectively contain IT costs and increase their negotiating leverage within their OEM relationships. In fact, Gartner recently published that 71% of Fortune 100 companies are now using third-party support. Also, IDC published that nearly 50% of the world’s data centers are using third-party hardware support to drive savings AND receive greater flexibility in service.

The purpose of this email is to share four white papers we’ve recently published. Hoping that any, or all, of these drive your interest:

“Understand Why 71% of Fortune 100 Companies Now Use Independent Hardware Support”

Summary Objective: For many companies around the world, data center decision makers are more frequently relying upon independent support for data center hardware assets – servers, storage devices and networking equipment. If the reader has previously resisted support models other than what is provided by OEMs, this white paper’s purpose it to explain why the trend toward hybrid support (OEM and Independent) models has grown so popular.

“Still Unfamiliar with the Benefits of Third-Party Hardware Maintenance?”

Summary Objective: This paper is specifically written for those IT decision makers or IT procurement members unfamiliar with the third-party maintenance industry and this industries’ potential for dramatic impact upon hardware OpEx (operating expenses). Any company, or industry, under executive mandates for IT cost optimization should be familiar with third party hardware maintenance.

"CIO/CTO Evidence: Enterprise Trends in Hardware Lifecycle Extension Strategies"

Summary Objective: In the last decade, more than 50% of Fortune 500 companies are embracing the promise of hardware lifecycle extensions and developing strategies to contain hardware costs, thereby proactively moving toward IT cost optimization objectives. Perceptions have changed, especially in the last five years, about hardware lifecycle extensions. Because independent hardware support organizations and secondary hardware resellers play a pivotal role in lifecycle extension strategies, this white paper directly addresses the use of these industries as a viable means to containing and optimizing OpEx and CapEx budgets. If you prefer, please request from me a soft copy PDF file.

"CIO/CTO Evidence: Financial Impacts from Hardware Support Strategy Remodeling"

Summary Objective: For those following mandates to contain current IT costs to have funding to address a growing list of business drivers, we believe that hardware support strategies hold the greatest potential to make the most immediate impact. For those open to support strategy remodeling, this white paper should help the reader begin to understand “why” and receive insights into “how much.” If you prefer, please request from me a soft copy PDF file.

Contact me if you have any questions or interest talk more about 3rd party maintenance industry and how SSCS can help your organization.

Janne Kokkaret
Regional Business Development Director – Nordic Countries
+358.50.994.2475 Mobile

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