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Cards project managers Stockholm, Oslo and Copenhagen


Cards project managers Stockholm, Oslo and Copenhagen

Are you an experienced professional who wants to be part in building digital future in our customers' engagements in cards area? We are looking to hire new iQI cards consultants with strong project management background for our customers in Nordics. These positions are based either in Stockholm, Oslo or Copenhagen.

Are you willing to join our dynamic team? We are looking for motivated professionals to work with us in diverse client engagements.

Role description:

As an experienced consultant, you will work with cards technology projects in client engagements. In this role, you will provide card-related services from solution planning to development projects together with a team or a community. Your role will evolve based on your desire, experience and strengths in technology or development area.


  • 5-10+ years of experience
  • Cards Issuing experience
  • Cards lifecycle experience
  • 3-D Secure
  • BIN Migrations
  • Ability to travel in Nordics countries based on our customer needs
  • Fluent skills in English and fluent skills in Swedish, Norwegian or Danish
  • Project management experience

We offer:

We offer unique opportunities to work and develop your expertise in high priority, leading edge projects. We have a community of inspired experts, who will support you in every aspect of your future role. As an iQi consultant, you will have interesting opportunities and responsibilities in helping our clients to success.

Our employees are very experienced professionals, and the organizational hierarchy is very low. We have a great work atmosphere and many of us have worked long time with iQi. We work at our office premises, in client premises or hybrid and remote.

As a company, we value and support good work-life balance and employee experience. The essence of our culture is to maintain a positive and responsible work environment, where it is safe to work in an inspiring environment. As an iQi employee, you will also benefit from flexible working hours, competitive earnings and multiple other employee benefits.

You may also work as a freelance subcontractor to iQi, which role is equally valued and supported within the organization. We have an extensive community of subcontractors with whom we have open communication standards and consider them all as valued members of our team. Our relationship with many subcontractors and companies is a priority and based on long term, strong network of partnerships.

Salary, earnings and incentives

We have a competitive package of earnings, with a good base salary, fair bonus model and other incentives and benefits.

  • Coherent incentive and bonus scheme
  • Predefined yearly bonus scheme
  • Employee’s mutual fund
  • Recruitment bounty
  • Finder’s fee
  • Basic salary

All employee benefits

Our total employee package is very competitive.

  • Luncheon voucher benefit
  • Mobile phone benefit
  • Occupational health care
  • Extended health insurance coverage
  • Employer subsidized commuter ticket
  • Bicycle benefit
  • Edenred sports and culture voucher benefit
  • Personal laptop & software, mobile phone


  • We offer great opportunities to develop yourself as a professional
  • You will have our experienced team supporting you in every aspect of your role
  • You will be part of our unique journey to become the most desirable and trusted IT partner in the market
  • You will enjoy a very competitive package of earnings and employee benefits


Please apply 31.3.2025 latest. However, it is advised to apply tomorrow, since we will review applications and interview potential candidates as soon as possible and may fill available roles before the expiry date. Please tell us why it is you that will become part of our team!


Helsinki, Uusimaa, Suomi•+3 lisää

5 000 € - 7 000 € kuukaudessa



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