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Web Analyst


RekryilmoitusVeikkaus creates joy through games and protects it. We want to make sure that gambling in Finland is kept on the joyful side. All our actions are guided by sustainability. We want to be a trailblazer in the gaming industry, and a trendsetter of responsible player experience. Wellbeing is our passion. It is important that our employees enjoy coming to work every day. We offer versatile and extensive employee benefits. With us, you get to do work that makes a difference, in a spirited work community that is constantly developing. Let’s work together – to keep gambling on the joyful side.

WEB ANALYST (Maternity cover)

We are looking for an experienced Web Analyst to join our Data Science team to develop Veikkaus’ web and app analytics between October 2024 and March 2026.

Information management and data-driven approach are at the core of Veikkaus’ operations. We have Finland’s largest online store, one of the largest customer bases, and one of the most comprehensive data warehouses. Our digital channels have an average of over a million unique visitors weekly, and hundreds of millions of gaming events annually. The importance of the application keeps on growing, and developing its analytics is one of the key focuses of the Web Analyst’s tasks.

Veikkaus’ Web Analysts’ activities focus on two broader areas: those activities that will move under the license in the future (betting games, casino) and those that will remain under the monopoly (lottery, eInstant). In addition, there are also corporate related tasks and stakeholders. We are looking for a Web Analyst whose area of responsibility is divided between license and corporate tasks.

With the upcoming legislative changes, digital channels and analytics tracking will be significantly reformed. You get to participate in discussions about the web analytics tools used, plan the implementation of tracking together with your work partner, carry out the implementation, and develop reporting and information sharing practices. In addition, you will participate in discussions about the legal implementation of tracking and the use of cookies as well as analyse customer behaviour, visitor paths, and content effectiveness, for example.

You will work closely with experts from various fields, such as front-end and application developers, content producers and designers. You will also support web and app analytics self-service by training Veikkaus staff in the use of tools and helping them build reports. You follow up closely what happens in the web analytics field and stay up-to-date with the latest technologies, laws and regulations affecting it.

As a Web Analyst, you are in a key position to develop Veikkaus’ digital analytics role, promote data-driven decision making, and support the culture of information management among internal stakeholders.

We expect from you:

  • Experience in using, implementing, and testing web and app analytics with Google tools (Google Analytics 4, Google Tag Manager, Firebase)
  • Knowledge of the technologies used in web and app development and e-commerce analytics
  • Experience in working with the data layer, a basic understanding of JavaScript and SQL queries
  • Fluent English, Finnish preferrable but not mandatory
  • Proactivity and curiosity to identify the needs of the stakeholders and enthusiasm to share learnings
  • A service-oriented attitude, and good communication and interpersonal skills

We also take into consideration knowledge of databases, TypeScript, other web analytics tools (e.g. Adobe Analytics), Google BigQuery, and Power BI, as well as experience with A/B testing and digital marketing. 

In this role, you will actively present your views and suggestions for improving our operations. You aim to develop both as an expert and a colleague by actively familiarizing yourself with the latest technologies, laws and regulations affecting online analytics.

We offer you: A wealth of data, interesting and challenging tasks, and competitive employment benefits. In addition, you will get to work with talented and considerate colleagues, and acquire new skills, especially about utilizing data and developing digital business. Our work is flexible across team boundaries, which is why we actively communicate what we are working on both at the unit and company levels. Veikkaus’ has a special social mission to prevent gambling related issues that makes the work more meaningful.

The position is for a maternity leave cover and full-time. It starts latest beginning of November. The work takes place at Veikkaus head office in Helsinki, Pohjois-Haaga, in accordance with the most recent hybrid work guidelines of Veikkaus. Currently it is expected that all employees attend live meetings at the office as requested (there will be at least a few each week).

If you are interested, please send your application and CV as soon as possible, but no later than 1.9.2024. We will start reviewing applications as we receive them.

For more information about the position, please contact the Data Science team Manager Perttu Punakallio at 050 349 6392 or perttu.punakallio@veikkaus.fi.

Veikkaus as a company will perform a drug test and security clearance check (According to the Act on Security Clearance (726/2014)) to the person selected for the position

Veikkaus Oy

Veikkaus tuottaa peleillä iloa. Tarjoamme elämyksiä ja huippupelejä, mutta emme hinnalla millä hyvänsä.

Huolehdimme, että pelaaminen säilyy ilon puolella, ja suomalaiset pelaavat maltilla ja peli-ilosta nauttien.

Haluamme olla vastuullisen pelaajakokemuksen suunnannäyttäjiä.

Lähes kaikki aikuiset suomalaiset ovat kokeilleet pelejämme, ja meillä on kaksi miljoonaa Etuasiakasta.

Olemme monella tavalla mukana suomalaisessa elämässä. Meitä veikkauslaisia on noin 1 600 ja työskentelemme lähes sadassa pisteessä eri puolilla maata. Pelejämme myydään tuhansissa paikoissa, ja niitä voi pelata turvallisesti myös veikkaus.fissä ja Veikkaus-sovelluksessa.

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Hakuaika: 15.8.2024 - 1.9.2024
Sijainti: Helsinki
Linkki: https://laura.fi/avoimet-tyopaikat/veikkaus-oy/web-analyst/2994533/


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