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AI for Sustainability: FCAI x HELSUS

08.12.2022 Helsinki

TapahtumaAI for Sustainability: FCAI meets HELSUS event

Can AI contribute to sustainability? According to a perspective in Nature, artificial intelligence has the potential to advance all of the Sustainable Development Goals. Large data mining and simulations are especially promising for goals such as smart cities, climate action, quality education, health, and decent work and economic growth.

FCAI has a Sustainability Highlight program, led by Laura Ruotsalainen, that is focused on identifying and supporting FCAI’s innovations that are relevant for sustainability, and runs a Virtual Laboratory called Sustainable Mobility and Autonomous Systems.

Since this Highlight was launched in 2022, this is the perfect time to bring together researchers from the Finnish Center for Artificial Intelligence and Helsinki Institute of Sustainability Science. Through this AIX Forum event, sustainability researchers can find partners and identify joint challenges that could benefit from the application of AI. We invite all FCAI and HELSUS members to think about merging competencies in data, computer science, the humanities, environmental and urban studies, and complexity science to boost sustainability.

This event will include presentations, networking, and snacks.

Date and time: 8 December, 2022, 12:30 – 16:00

Location: Kumpula campus, University of Helsinki 

(Detailed program will be posted later)

Registration: link TBA


Tapahtuman tiedot

Päivämäärä: 08.12.2022
Kaupunki: Helsinki
Paikka: Kumpula campus
Lisätty: 24.10.2022

Muita tapahtumia


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