IglooConf 2020 - The coolest Azure conference
16.01.2020 - 17.01.2020
IglooConf is a two-day, single track, learning festival for all things Azure. A unique event in Finland representing world-class public speakers with years of experience in real-life production-level implementations. IglooConf is a Finland Azure User Group event.
IglooConf is held on 16-17th of January 2020 in Helsinki, Finland! IglooConf tickets are available here.
Get to know IglooConf's international speakers:
- Bursty workload - cutting costs with Kubernetes, Virtual Kublet and ACI (Adi Polak)
- Durable-Functions, Micro-Services, Singletons & Orchestration (Alan Smith)
- Logic Apps in the Real World for Organisations Large and Small (Rik Hepworth)
- Looking over the Intelligent Edge (Martin Abbott)
- Adventures of building a multi-tenant PaaS on Microsoft Azure (Tom Kerkhove)
- The Azure I(di)oT guide through the rabbit hole! (Glenn Colpaert)
- Securing Serverless Applications in Azure (Sjoukje Zaal)
- From poll to push. Simplify Building Event Driven Architectures with Azure Event Grid. (Sam Vanhoutte)
- Indexing and searching NuGet.org with Azure Functions and Search (Maarten Balliauw)
- Best practices of securing web applications running on Azure Kubernetes Service (Karl Ots)
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