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Supply Chain Forum

06.05.2025 Helsinki

TapahtumaWelcome to our Supply Chain Forum, an exclusive gathering for top leaders within the Supply Chain function! As a solution provider, the Supply Chain Forum offers you an exceptional opportunity to engage directly with top decision-makers in the supply chain sector. This exclusive event not only allows you to showcase your innovative solutions but also provides a platform to build meaningful relationships with key executives who are shaping the future of supply chain management.

Throughout the day, you’ll have the chance to participate in high-level discussions and network with industry leaders, exchanging ideas and exploring how your solutions can address the strategic challenges they face in optimizing operations, mitigating risks, and driving efficiency.

This is more than just an event—it’s your chance to collaborate with supply chain executives, demonstrate the value of your offerings, and contribute to shaping the future of the supply chain industry. We look forward to welcoming you and facilitating impactful conversations that lead to real business opportunities! The event will host around +50 participants.


Tapahtuman tiedot

Päivämäärä: 06.05.2025
Kaupunki: Helsinki
Paikka: Klaus K Hotel
Lisätty: 30.9.2024

Muita tapahtumia


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