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WEBINAR: How to set and track sales goals 2020 with Dear Lucy

09.01.2020 - 00.00.0 Webinaari

TapahtumaStart of the year is often the time to set and communicate new sales goals in the organization. Dear Lucy's real-time sales dashboards allow you to easily communicate and track sales goals and keep the various teams, the management group and even your board of directors up-to-date on your sales performance.

Dear Lucy sales dashboards integrate with Salesforce, Pipedrive and HubSpot and automate your entire sales reporting. Dear Lucy allows you to define sales goals right in Dear Lucy which makes it easy to communicate goals across the team and allows for easy and effortless tracking of performance against the goals.

Join our practical, hands-on webinar to learn how to boost your sales performance in 2020. During the webinar, we will help you set and define goals easily and effortlessly. During the 20-minute webinar, you will learn:

- How to set and track business goals with Dear Lucy

- How Dear Lucy goal editor works

- How to set constant, monthly, quarterly or annual goals

- How to define goals for various business dimensions

The webinar will be held on Thursday, January 9th at 2.30 pm EET (Helsinki). The webinar will be held in English.

Sign up to join the live webinar or to receive the webinar recording.

If you haven't yet sign-up to our free trial, we recommend you do it before the webinar. You can start your free trial on our sign-up page.


Tapahtuman tiedot

Päivämäärä: 09.01.2020 - 00.00.0
Tyyppi: Webinaari
Lisätty: 2.1.2020

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