Kaks.io Labs kokemuksia
Kaks.io Labs:lla on yhteensä 10 suosittelijaa ja asiakaskokemusta. Kaks.io Labs kokemuksia –sivu koostaa yhteen ne asiakaskokemukset, suositukset ja suosittelijat, jotka Kaks.io Labs on liittänyt referensseihinsä.
ReferenssiEffortless and straightforward collaboration
Näytä referenssi"Collaboration with Kaks.io has been effortless and straightforward. They have helped us to develop and improve our HubSpot usage and cooperation between sales and marketing. The workshops and meetings have been a lot of fun and laughter, but of course, serious business as well with getting sales and marketing function together more efficiently."
-- Johanna Virmavirta
ReferenssiAgility to drive customer success
Näytä referenssi"We needed a partner with suitable mindset and capability in order to support our high growth company with ambitious targets in building data driven marketing and sales. So far Kaks.io has proven to be exactly what we needed: inspiring professionals with needed mindset and competence, flexibility to offer projects to meet our needs with high availability, agile way of working with focus on.."
-- Henna Rundgren
ReferenssiExcellent partner for Digitalisation
Näytä referenssi"Our company needed help to modernize our website with all the Hubspot functions and SEO. These guys really know what they are doing. From the beginning to the last phase everything was done with perfection and I can recommend this company to everyone who needs to modernize their way of doing and start to develop business with out of the box mentality. "
-- Toni Schlobohm
ReferenssiFlexible, reliable and fast service
Näytä referenssi"We had been using free version of Hubspot for almost two years, before we decided to upgrade it. Vere was our partner on this process. They helped us on defining what would be the best Hubspot package for us at this moment. After the first face they set up the system based on our needs and trained us how to use it. Now we can make use of all the features that help us run our sales funnel.."
-- Toni Toivanen
ReferenssiValuable insight from the first meeting forward
Näytä referenssi"We switched from another Hubspot partner to Kaks.io Labs. Not because the old one was bad, it is just that Kaks.io understands the whole platform so much better."
-- Markus Mikola
ReferenssiA Five Star Partner
Näytä referenssi"Co-operation with Kaks.io went smoothly all the way from the beginning. They were keen on learning our business and how HubSpot could support us on our way to improve our way of doing and naturally our online presence. We felt that we are in good hands through out the project. The schedule was pushing us to reach the targets - a very optimistic timeline ended up as a realistic one. Vere is a.."
-- Tuukka Leppänen
ReferenssiA real partner
Näytä referenssi"From the first touch-point onwards the collaboration/partnership has been very smooth and productive. In a very short time we have gained a better understanding of each others skills and businesses, which has materialised in both new leads co-selling events and product development. If you want to succeed and you are Using HubSpot, it would be foolish not to have Kaks.io on board."
-- Edi Sandblom
ReferenssiForerunners in service experience & design
Näytä referenssi"Kaks.io Labs has been helping us to clarify the complex paths of our versatile b2c & b2b customer journeys in the areas of vocational education, working life training and rehabilitation. We are thrilled of their expertise and visionary approach in building HubSpot installations incl. CMS, CRM, and MA. The first HubSpot implementations, as well as content creation, were executed in a very tight.."
-- Leena Hallamaa
ReferenssiHubspot specialists
Näytä referenssi"Kaks.io Labs has energy and professional team that has build us new basis by Hubspot. Their specialists have large experience from business, marketing and software. They focused in our company well, before they started to build the Hubspot basis for us. The result is very pleasant and easy to use by our self and everything is tailored to the needs of our company. Kaks.io acts fast on our changing.."
-- Saija Lahtinen
ReferenssiGreat team to work with
Näytä referenssi"We've had a fantastic experience with Kaks.io Labs redesigning our website and implementing our inbound marketing strategy. We needed to move fast and without a doubt Kaks.io is the right partner if you need to get things done efficiently and effectively. Kaks.io has an extremely professional team that can handle technical as well as strategic requirements. Always deliver on deadline and go.."
-- Toni Öyry