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A Five Star Partner

ReferenssiCo-operation with Kaks.io went smoothly all the way from the beginning. They were keen on learning our business and how HubSpot could support us on our way to improve our way of doing and naturally our online presence. We felt that we are in good hands through out the project. The schedule was pushing us to reach the targets - a very optimistic timeline ended up as a realistic one. Vere is a correct partner for you, if you want your project to be ready on time. The team working with us had a great experience on different business, but also were totally professionals what comes to HubSpot. We really enjoyed the ride with them and to be honest the journey has just begun.


Co-operation with Kaks.io went smoothly all the way from the beginning. They were keen on learning our business and how HubSpot could support us on our way to improve our way of doing and naturally our online presence. We felt that we are in good hands through out the project. The schedule was pushing us to reach the targets - a very optimistic timeline ended up as a realistic one. Vere is a correct partner for you, if you want your project to be ready on time. The team working with us had a great experience on different business, but also were totally professionals what comes to HubSpot. We really enjoyed the ride with them and to be honest the journey has just begun.

Tuukka Leppänen


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Kaks.io Labs - Asiantuntijat ja yhteyshenkilöt

Asiantuntijoita ja yhteyshenkilöitä ei ole vielä kuvattu.

Kaks.io Labs - Muita referenssejä

Kaks.io Labs - Muita bloggauksia

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