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AI-powered holographic visualisation at Expo 2020 Dubai

ReferenssiHaaga-Helia’s central theme for the solution was to show how its curriculum compares with what employers around the world are looking for in university graduates. Headai – a Finnish specialist of AI-driven business intelligence – produced the data for the solution, analysing thousands of job openings in selected cities around the world and comparing them with different programs at Haaga-Helia.

Stereoscape’s task was to bring the data to life at the event. It was an inspiring task: visualising big data is what got us started in what is now the heart of our business – turning information into experiences. Back in 2013, we launched a solution, where real-time social media and other online conversations were filtered with data mining algorithms and visualised in a 3D holographic display. Fast forward to the present, and we had a chance to use our expertise in this project.

The solution, which is called Crystal Ball, features five different job profiles that Expo 2020 visitors can select from and explore on an interactive touch screen. The corresponding job openings and skill sets are simultaneously visualised in two separate Dreamoc POP3 holographic displays from Realfiction. The 3D holographic visualisations that appear to be floating in the air are both stunning and fun and capture the large amounts of data in an easy to understand format, whilst presenting Haaga-Helia as an innovative, internationally oriented partner for education. The video below shows the solution in action in Stereoscape’s showroom.


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