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Assetti – Full-scale UI modernization


Getting to know the client

Assetti is a Finnish PropTech company offering a SaaS software solution for real estate investment professionals internationally. With Assetti you can manage your portfolio strategy, track and monitor your property portfolio´s financial performance, and report your rent roll - all within one application. Assetti was founded 10 years ago and now over +20 billion in assets are managed using Assetti’s solution. You can familiarize yourself with Assetti’s solution on their website: https://assetti.pro/

The challenge

The Assetti team is successfully developing a comprehensive solution for managing real estate assets with a core team. However, they recognized the need to update their technology stack to future-proof the solution and improve its usability. They decided to modernize the UI framework. Wanting to modernize the look, feel, and usability of their solution - especially on mobile devices - at the same time, they sought out a partner experienced in Vaadin framework modernization projects, helping them with making this vision a reality.

Riimu’s role

The project started with scoping, planning, and estimating the work. Riimu’s experts reviewed the existing codebase and application, providing Assetti estimates for the tasks at hand. The project started small, with a focus on building a strong foundation for introducing and piloting the new technology stack. Once the initial phase proved successful, the next stage was to tackle a full-scale UI modernization project. Riimu was primarily working on the UI layer, responsible for updating the views based on Assetti’s designs, but also adding new views and functionality. The work was done in close collaboration with Assettis’ in-house team and took around 6 months to complete. The updated version is currently undergoing testing with final changes being done by Assetti’s own team, before being released.

The benefits of working with Riimu

  • Strong technical expertise in modernizing business web applications
  • Flexible and able to adapt to changing requirements and business environments
  • Effective and budget-conscious collaboration approach
  • Most importantly easy communication and experienced professionals

Comments by the Riimu team

  • Development speed and time-to-market was important but at the same time we didn’t want to compromise on features or quality. This made the project both interesting and challenging! I am definitely happy with the results of the project!
  • Hiep Nguyen, Senior Software Developer at Riimu

How has it been working with Riimu?

  • We chose Riimu for the project because they were familiar with the stack we wanted to use and had experience with similar projects. We were able to have good discussions during the project, iteratively proceed with the project and at the end of the day deliver what had been agreed on. The results and the collaboration have been excellent. I am happy to recommend Riimu for similar projects!
  • Samuli Hiltunen, COO at Assetti


We chose Riimu for the project because they were familiar with the stack we wanted to use and had experience with similar projects. They delivered what had been agreed on and we are excited about the results. I can happily recommend Riimu for similar projects!

Samuli Hiltunen, COO at Assetti


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