CloudMakelaar® - Innovating Cloud Brokerage with Pilvi™ Shop
Cloud Makelaar is a leading cloud broker in Benelux area. The company provides consultancy services for its customers adopting and using different cloud services. In addition to public cloud services Cloud Makelaar is dealing with local cloud providers too.
In addition to consulting customers in cloud service matters, Cloud Makelaar was willing to innovate its brokerage role by launching an online marketplace for multiple cloud services and thus acting as an independent cloud service merchant.
“At Cloud Makelaar we wanted to innovate our cloud brokerage role by launching an online marketplace for multiple cloud services. Pilvi was a perfect match!” Peter Witsenburg, CEO CloudMakelaar. marketplace was built on Pilvi Cloud Commerce Platform. Pilvi Catalog’s ready integrations to multiple cloud services helped in implementation work and the marketplace was set up in targeted time frame.
The martketplace was launched in March 2015 with several public cloud services like AWS, Google for work and MS Office 365. After launching and first services integrated into the marketplace, Cloud Makelaar is seeking for several local cloud providers in Benelux area to join marketplace.
At Cloud Makelaar we wanted to innovate our cloud brokerage role by launching an online marketplace for multiple cloud services. Pilvi was a perfect match!
Peter Witsenburg
Tilaaja: | Pilvipalveluiden välittäjä |
Ajankohta: | 2015 |
Toimittajan yhteyshenkilö: | |
Markkinointi | |
Myynti |
It-omaisuuden hallinta |
IT |
Tarjonnan tyyppi
Konsultointi | |
Tuki- ja ylläpitotyö |
Omat tagit
Pilvi - Asiantuntijat ja yhteyshenkilöt
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Pilvi - Muita bloggauksia
It- ja ohjelmistoalan työpaikat
- Laura - Data Engineer
- Laura - Datainsinööri, tietohallinto
- Laura - Ohjaaja media- ja it-tiimi / oppisopimus
- Laura - Kesätyöpaikat IT-ala
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