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Danish insurer Tryg: Increasing Sales and Customer Satisfaction with SAP® SuccessFactors® Solutions

ReferenssiGreat products drives sales, right? Not so fast. Tryg, a Danish insurer, realized that the quality of the customer experience was just as important. It determined which sales competencies impacted the customer experience the most and then selected SAP SuccessFactors solutions to capture and train those competencies, and monitor progress. The result? Sales are soaring.


  • Build a corporate culture in which employees understand how their actions impact sales and customer experience
  • Introduce an integrated HR system to provide insight on how sales competencies and business key perfomance indicators correlate
  • Increase job satisfaction by offering development and education


  • Created one perfomance management system with the SAP SuccessFactors Perfomance & Goals solution
  • Provided a consolidated view of compensation and bonuses with the SAP SuccessFactors Compensation solution


  • Clear understanding by sales reps of which behaviors have the biggest impact on their success and the success of their customers
  • Less time spent on goal-setting and alignment, payroll, and compensation
  • Managers' time spent more productively

>10% increase in training effectiveness

>25% increase in sales

>23% higher customer satisfaction (measure by Net Promoter Score)

Read more here.


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