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Democratization of industrial data as a driver of change


It’s worth dispelling the misconception that specialized data experts are a prerequisite for industrial data analysis. These experts are often in high demand, but they might only sometimes know what’s happening on the factory floor. In the future, tech-savvy business and manufacturing process experts will independently analyze the data, significantly expanding data utilization opportunities within manufacturing organizations when coupled with well-structured data. Will you embrace change and stay ahead, or risk falling behind in this ever-evolving digital era?

The global COVID-19 pandemic showed how crucial technology is for businesses. It changed how we work and greatly impacted how people think and act. It’s like a big shift in how businesses and individuals do things, happening in all industries. And the change is here to stay. 

This shift also changes how factories and other manufacturing industries work. The fourth industrial revolution, also known as Industry 4.0, has been leading the way companies manufacture, improve, and distribute their products for more than a decade. It’s all about digitizing the industrial sector by combining operational technologies and IT. By using modern technologies, digital tools, automation, data analysis, and the Internet of Things (IoT), manufacturing companies are efficiently moving toward a fully connected and integrated digital manufacturing environment. 

Yet, democratizing industrial data is the newest driving force behind this revolution. This shift is reshaping the industrial landscape by making advanced tools, digital capabilities, and data more accessible to a broader array of individual users. In the future, tech-savvy individuals will play a pivotal role in fostering innovation, enhancing competitive advantages, and driving efficiency gains in the industrial landscape through data analysis. This wave is about to begin, prompting manufacturing companies to take it on now to stay caught up to their peers. 

Read the full article on our website: https://nortal.com/insights/democratization-of-industrial-data-as-a-driver-of-change/

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