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Distence Concept and Offering Animation

VideoThe industries and respective environments Distence delivers solutions to, all have in common a few characteristics.

First, the assets are all mission critical - such as assets in power plants, process industry and for example high voltage transformers and wind turbines, both on land and off-shore, securing energy supply to cities. The goal being in many cases to ensure an uninterrupted process, maximum uptime.

Second, the physical environment the smart terminals, local intelligence, operate in, impose huge demands on the units themselves as well as the communication technologies used to talk to the IoT-platform. High current surroundings, the heat of the desert or the frigid and humid conditions in an off-shore wind turbine have all shaped the Distence solution.

Third, the heterogeneous nature of both the technical environment, underlying assets as well as the end-user of the information, pose extreme flexibility requirements to the technology.

It is these three characteristics that Distence has focused on in its award winning approach and edge computing solution.

Learn more about Distence approach at www.distence.com


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