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Frends strengthens Visma Aquila’s integration business


Frends, the leading Nordic integration platform provider, is delighted to announce its partnership with Visma Aquila.

Visma Aquila is dedicated to developing a robust digital ecosystem and forging deeper and more strategic partnerships with its customers. By adopting Frends iPaaS, Visma Aquila empowers its customers with cost-effective integration solutions.

Traditionally, integrations held a minor role in Visma Aquila’s business operations, resulting in challenges related to scalability, monitorability, high costs, quality, scheduling, and personnel risks when only one individual possessed implementation knowledge. Visma Aquila chose Frends iPaaS not only to enhance operations and improve customer service but also to enable an entirely new integration business. The utilization of Frends has already advanced to the production stage. Similar challenges are prevalent across other Visma companies, which underscores the expansion of Frends usage.

"With the support of Frends, we can now standardize external APIs, a task that had proven challenging in the past. Frends iPaaS offers clarity and self-documentation, leading to a significant reduction in development and management time," Ilkka Ruuska, Integration Architect at Visma Aquila, highlights the significance of the partnership.

Visma Aquila’s goal is to provide a comprehensive suite of services to its customers, allowing them to rely on Visma Aquila as a single strategic partner rather than engaging with multiple vendors.

Kim Hisinger, CTO at Visma Aquila, underlines this commitment: "We aim to evolve into an all-encompassing strategic partner for our customers. They seek more than just a product; they seek a collaborative partnership to achieve their goals and succeed.”

Frends has quickly become an indispensable tool for integration specialists at Visma and an important part of their growth strategy. Lauri Primetta, Integration Specialist at Wilma, says: "Having Frends as our backbone empowers us to address challenges and explore new horizons in our business. Frends has proven to be a valuable partner, actively committing to our collective success, and their expertise has become an integral part of our growth strategy."

"We intend to serve as a catalyst for building Visma's capabilities and offer our expertise to ensure the seamless implementation of change, eliminating early-stage knowledge gaps. Frends empowers Visma companies to deliver superior services, streamline their operations, and open new avenues for growth," Jukka Rautio, CEO of Frends, expresses his excitement about the partnership.

About Visma:

Visma is a leading provider of mission-critical cloud software, with revenue of € 2.4 billion in 2023, more than 15,000 employees and 1.8 million customers across Europe and Latin America. By simplifying and automating the work of businesses and organisations of all sizes, we enable a more efficient and prosperous society.


About Frends:

Frends iPaaS is a lean, low-code, and hybrid Integration Platform as a Service that seamlessly connects systems, automates processes, and enhances operational efficiency.

Frends is represented in the leadership quadrant of G2 in the API Management and iPaaS Europe Categories. Moreover, Frends is recognized in the 2024 Gartner® Magic Quadrant™ for Integration Platform as a Service, worldwide.



"Having Frends as our backbone empowers us to address challenges and explore new horizons in our business. Frends has proven to be a valuable partner, actively committing to our collective success, and their expertise has become an integral part of our growth strategy."

Lauri Primetta, Integration Specialist


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