From challenges to saunas: A peek into Codemate’s distinctive office life
Great culture is one of the things our employees mention when asked why they like their job. Our values – together, trust, creative, professional, playful – come to life in our daily interactions. Codemate’s team consists of extremely skilled professionals (on average, they have 14 years of experience!). However, we are not merely a group of experts; we are a community of fun, kind and caring individuals who take their work seriously while also cherishing enjoyable moments. The workplace culture is created by people, nurtured and supported by the company.
Like many IT Companies, we provide great benefits from healthcare to a hybrid working model, commuting benefits to office snacks and drinks. Yet, we strive for our employees to find joy not only in their work but also in the office environment. Listening to our teams in different offices, we’ve introduced amenities like DJ Deck, PlayStations, gaming computers, chess, instruments – and we even have a sauna in our Oulu office! We want our people to enjoy spending time at the office, even during their free time – but we also want them to remember, that work shouldn’t be their whole life.
However, what truly defines Codemate’s culture isn’t just the perks; it’s our shared appreciation for spending time together, both during and after office hours, which positively influences our overall well-being. Moreover, the flexibility to align our work with our lives and find a balance with free time adds to the uniqueness of our culture.
Read more about our workplace culture from our website!
Codemate - Asiantuntijat ja yhteyshenkilöt
Janne Korvanen
Sales Director
Janne Korvanen on Codematen myyntijohtaja, jolla on lähes 20 vuoden kokemus myynnistä ja asiakkaiden luottamuksen rakentamisesta. Hänen intohimonsa on kokonaisvaltainen .. | | 0407048996 |
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