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IISI Group and Augumenta to accelerate the adoption of AR in digitalizing industry

ReferenssiWe are pleased to announce that we have joined forces with the Taiwan based information and communication technology company, International Integrated Systems Inc. (IISI). The two companies have signed an agreement to promote and foster the adoption of augmented reality (AR) technologies within the digitalizing industry of Taiwan.

The Augumenta and IISI cooperation gets a speedy start with a project that brings the Augumenta SmartPanel technology into one of IISI ‘s client’s production facilities in Hsinchu Science Park, the top semiconductor manufacturing hub globally. Virtual control panels and the Augumenta marker technology will be integrated into the client’s systems to monitor and control the production lines with the help of smartglasses and 5G connectivity. Easy access to data saves time and lets people on the factory shop floor react faster helping to optimize the uptime of the production lines.

“In the age of boundless connectivity and intelligent automation of the 5G era, we believe that the application of AR technology will bring a considerable amount of business opportunities, especially in the semiconductor industry.“ says Andy Lee, Director of Technology Services Business Division of IISI Group.

IISI group has an impressive track record on large-scale projects for IT system planning, deployment, maintenance, and operation. The company has provided large systems for customers, such as the public sector, banks, smart city, health care, manufacturing, and has a strong position in working with the semiconductor industry. Augumenta, having a development hub also in Taiwan, is the forerunner in industrial augmented reality development and focusing on helping companies improve productivity with Industry 4.0 technologies. Together, the two companies are extremely well-positioned to advance enterprise AR in the area.

Read the full story here.

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Tilaaja: International Integrated Systems Inc. (IISI)


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