Kai Lehtinen appointed as Top Data Science Chief Operating Officer
We are happy to announce the appointment of Kai Lehtinen as our new Chief Operating Officer (COO) from 1st of June onwards.
Kai Lehtinen, Top Data Science, Chief Operating Officer
“This is a new role at Top Data Science and Kai is a natural choice for this position as he has been leading several important strategy, business development and customer projects since joining the company in early 2020”, comments Timo Heikkinen, CEO of Top Data Science.
Kai has a long-time software industry and leadership experience from Tekla and Trimble. He was General Manager of Trimble Energy and Public Administration leading the division business in international markets including Europe and North America.
“I’m very excited to work in Top Data Science with the leadership and colleagues that have such a great combination of AI talent and passion to innovate new ways of utilizing the technologies”, states Kai. “We have taken big steps forward towards solution deployments that take AI to production, which enables our customers to achieve significant benefits through higher levels of automation and new services. I’m very taken for my new role and look forward to contributing to the continued success of the company”.
Top Data Science - Asiantuntijat ja yhteyshenkilöt
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