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The search for Rising Stars!

BloggausIs your company a Rising Star? Do you want to showcase your company to an international audience and maybe even give a main stage presentation?

This year’s Nordic Digital Business Summit is committed to bringing together corporates, SMEs and innovative startup companies so all can find customers and key connections in the ever expanding ecosystem of the Internet of Things, Cloud Services and Data Centres!

We’re on a mission to find connections for young, growth companies who are trying to launch into new markets. This year, we’re combining the key Data Center, Cloud & IoT players from the corporate world, representatives from relevant industries and our “Rising Stars” all under one roof so that new business transactions can be made! If you have a product or service that you would like to showcase to large corporate and SME companies, not only your fellow startups, then you’re in the right place.

We are seeking scalable entrants that must have a legally formed company or be registered as a sole trader at the time of application and have a live product or service available to demo at the event. We have 40 free Rising Stars exhibition booths to allocate to the best and brightest applicants do don’t miss your chance to interact with deal makers!

All 40 Rising Stars will be allocated an exhibition space and will have a demo video showcased on the NDBS website, where the public will be invited to vote for the best. The Rising Star voted as the shiniest star of all will have the chance to give a presentation on our main stage.

To apply for a Rising Stars exhibition booth please email info@ndbsevents.com with a description of your products, services and a note to tell us why your company is a Rising Star. Or why not nominate a Rising Star that you think deserves a space?

Our Rising Stars spaces are free but companies should note that representatives must buy tickets to enter the event. Ask us about ticket discounts when you apply.

All attendees of NDBS have full access to our smart networking system, so instead of trying to find interesting people from their badges you will be able to make contact from the moment you register. Our smart networking system also stays open long after the event so you can continue to make contact with the people you missed on the day.

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Data Center
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