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Top Data Science & Crosser, A joint webinar for AI for Industrial IoT at Scale - Predictive AI in Process Industry

BloggausWelcome to join our joint webinar with Crosser - Edge Analytics & Integration on 17th March (11 AM-12 PM EET): "AI for Industrial IoT at Scale - Predictive AI in Process Industry"

Both companies have a long track record in working with leading customers in this field and we are happy to share our experiences and best practices.

The vision of AI-driven prediction and decision-making within industrial processes is getting closer. Global industries are already utilizing their first AI-projects within various fields and applications - for enhanced efficiency and optimizations.

But how can you use AI for your business? What are the necessary considerations and preparations to make your project successful? How do you start, and what ROI can you expect?

In this episode, Crosser CTO Goran Appelquist (Ph.D.) and Top Data Science Sales Director Vesa Jaakkola will walk you through the strategy, development, and scaling of an Industrial IoT AI project.

During the 30min presentation, you will learn the essential steps of:

  • Setting up the right infrastructure - data pipeline - for your AI project
  • How to choose a development Strategy for different AI applications
  • How to scale your AI project into production

Registration and more info here: https://www.bigmarker.com/crosser/AI-for-Industrial-IoT-at-Scale-Predictive-AI-in-Process-Industry

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