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Cloud Developer, Tampere


RekryilmoitusDo you really love your life in Tampere, but wouldn’t mind adding a bit more international flavor to your everyday work? Now you have a chance to do this from our office in the heart of Tampere!

You're right at home with the cloud, web backends and building elegant APIs. You have always been a bit curious about how things work under the hood. You can position yourself in the role of a backend developer, cloud specialist or somewhere in-between. You have likely dabbled with web frameworks, continuous integration, containerization, test automation, continuous deployment and databases. It's not just about getting the data to flow from the database to the user's screen, it's about getting to know the technologies, understanding the layers and finally delivering code to production. Assembling a functional, robust and maintainable system is a challenge you are eager to undertake.

You are fluent in one or more programming languages and ecosystems: possibly with TypeScript and Node.js, perhaps Java/Scala/Clojure, or maybe with C#. You know your cloud, be it AWS/Azure/Google Cloud Platform or the like, and can set up a robust and highly scalable cloud infrastructure. You understand the benefits and tradeoffs of microservices and perhaps enjoy working with serverless platforms or are proficient at deploying Cloud Infrastructure as Code with Terraform / CloudFormation.

We have some super cool international projects with teams consisting of people from our different sites across Europe. These projects are for our exciting multinational clients, for example automotive companies in Germany or an airline in Northern Europe. Working in these cross-site teams doesn’t mean that you need to travel abroad weekly – rather once a month for a few days (that is, if you want to).

If at some point you start feeling that a longer stint at one of our international offices sounds interesting, there are plenty of opportunities for that too, for example through our expat programmes. During the expat period you can continue growing your core tech competence in one of our more mature office e.g. in Berlin or Munich or if you feel like it, you can try some completely new roles in one of our newly established offices which are more in a start-up mode e.g. in Stuttgart.

At the end of the day, the technology is but a means to an end, and your willingness to learn new things is what counts. You enjoy creating elegant solutions to today's problems and have fun while doing it.

What we offer you:

  • Flexible working hours & support and tools for maintaining a healthy work-life balance.
  • Company support for learning, be it buying books, online courses or travelling to conferences abroad.
  • Social responsibility program where you can give back to the community and receive sponsorship for doing open-source projects on free time.
  • FutuLabs: access to self-driving vehicles, 3D printers, VR & AR gear and other cool emerging tech stuff.
  • Personal IT budget, allowing you to e.g. regularly update your phone.
  • Caring working environment with short decision paths and low hierarchies.
  • Work on exciting projects with renowned customers.
  • Choose the way you work best, select your own devices, workspace, and tools.
  • Want to know more? Please check our promise site!

How does this sound?

If the above sounds like something you can and want to do, and you're a friendly person who is fun to work with, we would love to get your application! Please send it along with your CV and cover letter using the form.


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