Senior Backend Developer, Helsinki
We are looking for talented backend-focused web developers. People for whom tech choices are about finding a balance of creating scalable, maintainable and modern digital services – and getting things done effectively. As a senior, you are responsible for being a hands on lead developer in projects, you might be coaching others to learn more, and definitely you'd be constantly learning new technologies yourself.
You're right at home with web backends. You have probably always been a bit curious about how things work under the hood. You have likely dabbled with web frameworks, continuous integration, test automation, continuous deployment and databases. It's not just about getting the data to flow from the database to the user's screen, it's about getting to know the technologies, understanding the layers and finally delivering code to production. Assembling a functional, robust and maintainable system is a challenge you are eager to undertake.
You are fluent in one or more programming languages and ecosystems: maybe JavaScript and Node.js, Java/Scala/Clojure, or C#. At the end of the day, the technology is but a means to and end, and your willingness to learn new things is what counts. You enjoy creating elegant solutions to today's problems, and have fun while doing it.
You're looking for a new challenge. You have a desire to work and collaborate with the best developers and designers out there, and want to have colleagues with whom you can have meaningful conversations about technology and the world around them. All team members need to be ambitious self-starters and have a desire to be part of a workplace with a lean, flat structure. Individuals are constantly given the opportunity to learn and grow in collaboration with wonderfully nice and extremely talented people.
How does this sound?
Would you like to come and help us? You’ll get a lot out of it yourself, too. Please send your application with evidence of your skills and motivation.
Our interview process is a dialogue, and we want the exchange to be beneficial for both parties. We are looking for people who are not only technically capable, but also fun to work with. As such, we'd love to hear about what makes you tick and your past projects and experiences, ups as well as downs. Also, we'll be happy to answer any questions you might have got.
We would love to hear from you!
Hakuaika: | - |
Sijainti: | Helsinki |
Linkki: | |
Ketterät menetelmät | |
Ohjelmistokehitys | |
Pilvipalvelut / SaaS | |
Webkehitys |
Node.js | |
C# | |
Clojure | |
Java | |
Javascript |
Futurice Oy:n muita rekryilmoituksia
It- ja ohjelmistoalan työpaikat
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- Laura - Full Stack Developer
- Laura - Kesätyöpaikat, Toiminnanohjausjärjestelmän kehitys, Millog Oy Tampere
- Laura - Kesätyöpaikat, ICT-harjoittelija, Millog Oy Riihimäki
- Nordea - Java Developer
- Nordea - Hadoop Operation Specialist
- Nordea - DevOps Operation Specialist
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