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Senior Full Stack Developer


RekryilmoitusOur development team is looking for a Senior Full Stack Developer. We are developing and deploying our Adeona PIM Product Information Management system and would like to expand our team with curious and motivated professionals with desire to build modern apps that solve real problems.


As a member of the development team your everyday tasks will include writing code and tests, designing and planning new features for the Adeona product family as well as improving the quality of existing codebase. You will also participate in customer delivery projects e.g. designing and implementing system integrations or customer specific solutions on top of our products, supporting colleagues and reviewing code and solutions of others. This position offers versatile tasks and posiblity to take bigger responsibilities.


As a senior full stack developer we expect you to share experience with your colleagues and mentor junior colleagues. At the same time we are willing to help you to support your curiosity and ambitions. We understand, that behind every good solution there are bright people first and only then the technologies. 


We mostly work with the following technologies. We don’t expect you to master them all. However, we prefer you to have Scala experience or long history with Java together with experience in functional programming. You should also have frontend experience with some framework, e.g. Angular, React or Vue.


Adeona PIM

Frontend: HTML, CSS, TypeScript/ES6, Angular(v2 - v8), RxJS, NodeJs tools (NPM, Webpack, karma/jasmine, etc.)


Backend: Scala, Slick, Akka, PlayFramework (2.4+), ElasticSearch, PostgreSQL, RabbitMQ, S3/minio, REST


Other technologies

SBT, Docker, CircleCI, Pentaho Data Integration (Kettle), Java,


Modern world of technologies offers many great tools for building flexible and high performance software and we also bootstrap our project using latest technologies. 


This role will give you the opportunity to empower your skills and bring our product to the next level and change the way how our customers organize their product information management processes. Read more about working at Canter here.


Send your application, CV and wish for the salary by email to rekry@canter.fi.


Feel free to ask additional information about the position or book a discussion time via mail: janne.costiander@canter.fi

Adeona logo


Hakuaika: -
Sijainti: Espoo
Linkki: https://www.canter.fi/tyopaikat/full-stack-developer/
Yhteydenotto: janne.costiander@canter.fi


Ilmoitus yrityksen kotisivuilla Yritysprofiilii Adeona kotisivut






Omat tagit

Full Stack

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