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Zure kokemuksia

Zure:lla on yhteensä 5 suosittelijaa ja asiakaskokemusta. Zure kokemuksia –sivu koostaa yhteen ne asiakaskokemukset, suositukset ja suosittelijat, jotka Zure Oy on liittänyt referensseihinsä.

ReferenssiCase YIT: Azure-based data platform for full online service renewal

"We started renewing our online services in spring 2016 and in less than 12 months we launched beautiful websites in 8 countries. Kompozure was responsible for designing and implementing the project’s demanding custom data platform solution. Kompozure's Azure experts executed exceptionally well and the team was in a key role in this successful multivendor and multinational project."

-- Minna Hämäläinen, Senior Manager, IT, YIT Oyj & Pekka Helin, Senior Vice President, Housing Business Development, YIT Oyj

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ReferenssiCase Buster Boats: Azure-based self-service portal for 150+ boat distributors

"Valitsimme liiketoimintasovellustemme alustaksi Microsoft Azuren ja tarvitsimme kokeneen ja luotettavan sovelluskehityskumppanin. Kompozuren osaaminen ja kokemus Azure –ratkaisuista vakuutti meidät ja olemme olleet erittäin tyytyväisiä yhteistyöhömme."

-- Tomi Juhola, Director, IT and System Development, Buster Boats & Anders Kurten, Director, Products, Buster Boats

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ReferenssiCase JCDecaux: 80% of the sales through an Azure-based self-service portal

"Parannamme asiakaskokemustamme ja haemme tehoja myyntiin nykyaikaisilla itsepalvelusivustoilla. Monimuotoisten prosessien tehostaminen verkkopalveluiden kautta on loistavassa vauhdissa, kiitos Kompozure asiantuntijuuden ja asenteen. Heillä on asioista mielipiteitä ja he uskaltavat sanoa ne. Olemme erittäin tyytyväisiä."

-- Janne Tenkanen, Systems Development Manager, JCDecaux Finland Oy and AFA JCDecaux A/S

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ReferenssiCase ContractZen: Azure-based contract management as a modern SaaS

"We started coding in early 2015 with the help of Kompozure's talented team. Thanks to our partnership with Kompozure and Microsoft we got our beta version done faster than expected. The system has been live with paying customers since July 2015. We were lucky to have the Kompozure guys helping us, with the best Azure knowledge in the world."

-- Markus Mikola, Co-founder & Riitta Raesmaa, Co-founder

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ReferenssiCase Outotec Oyj: Azure-based global data platform and digital services

"Outotec is in the middle of a digitalization transformation, where we leverage benefits from the public cloud and lean re-thinking of the enterprise architecture. Kompozure has been an exceptional aid as a sparring partner and then in helping us design and implement the new wave of our digital presence. We look forward to the pleasure of continuing our fruitful co-operation."

-- Henri Syrjäläinen, Director, Digital Enterprise Architecture, Outotec Oyj

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