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Boogie Software kokemuksia

Boogie Software:lla on yhteensä 4 suosittelijaa ja asiakaskokemusta. Boogie Software kokemuksia –sivu koostaa yhteen ne asiakaskokemukset, suositukset ja suosittelijat, jotka Boogie Software Oy on liittänyt referensseihinsä.

ReferenssiLuotettu tuotekehityskumppani

"Boogie Software delivered first-class results on a very tight schedule. Their UI design expertise combined with a thorough knowledge of web technologies made the project move efficiently and on time from the early design and prototyping phase all the way to the finalized product. We are very happy with the results, and continue to work with Boogie Software to develop our products and.."

-- Ville Kampman

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ReferenssiPankkiasiakkaan luotettu yhteistyökumppani

"The level of expertise shown by Boogie’s personnel in Nordea projects has been constantly exceptionally high, resulting with excellent customer satisfaction. Service provided by Boogie Software has been reliable, motivated and inspired, with exemplary professional approach to all assigned projects and tasks."

-- Victor Arroyo

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ReferenssiPankkiasiakkaan luotettu yhteistyökumppani

"Boogie professionals give their utmost for the project success. Their commitment to the quality of work is admirable."

-- Kristian Luoma

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ReferenssiÄlylämmitysjärjestelmän ohjelmisto-osien suunnittelu ja toteuttaminen

"Exceptional level of competence from Boogie has ensured successful results for development of the Wattinen service. I am looking forward to continuing co-operation between Boogie and DNA."

-- Mikko Lietsalmi

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