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ArrowSphere chosen by Telenor as strategic cloud platform

ReferenssiThe situation

Telenor, a Norwegian telecoms provider, has selected ArrowSphere as its strategic multicloud delivery and management platform for driving technological advancement in the small and medium enterprise telecoms market in the Nordic region. By partnering with Arrow, Telenor can utilize ArrowSphere to manage a diverse range of cloud offerings such as IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS solutions. Initially, Telenor is providing Microsoft 365, IBM MaaS360, and 7P MDM to channel customers and end-users in Norway, Sweden, and Denmark through this platform.

The solution

Through the provision of cloud offerings for SMBs, ArrowSphere presents Telenor with the opportunity to create additional revenue streams. This platform will enable Telenor to explore growth prospects such as AI and IoT solutions. Telenor can add its own offers and software solutions to the cloud services catalog using ArrowSphere.

The benefits

Telenor's cloud strategy relies on a cloud brokerage platform that can automate the provisioning of cloud solutions and customer management. ArrowSphere's deep integration possibilities, scalability, and flexibility have been instrumental in meeting Telenor's expectations and constructing the infrastructure that will sustain Telenor's cloud expansion.

“ArrowSphere offers Telenor a stable, cost-efficient method for delivering software applications hosted in the cloud to our resellers and customers and enables us to provide SMBs with the solutions they want to scale their business, delivered by a trusted telecoms provider,” said Stian Alapnes, platform advisor for Telenor Norway.

The outcome

“Our customers get the software they need seamlessly which means that working with Arrow has been easy. Across the Nordic region, we have strongly increased subscriptions for ArrowSphere since we started, and we are looking forward to our future business with Arrow, which will see additional products and solutions.”

ArrowSphere provides the channel with a streamlined approach to quoting, ordering, managing, analyzing, and invoicing a diverse range of cloud solutions in a rapid and efficient manner. The platform boasts improved user experience and functionalities, making it easier to connect cloud service providers with end-customers. To manage the entire workflow and support the channel in establishing and expanding their cloud practice, a dedicated team is available to customers through ArrowSphere.


Our customers get the software they need seamlessly which means that working with Arrow has been easy.

Stian Alapnes

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Tilaaja: Telenor


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