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ArrowSphere serves as the foundation of iSYSTEMS' cloud expansion



iSYSTEMS provides independent technology services and solutions to mid-tier businesses for their data life cycle management and transformation projects. The company generates half of its revenue from the sales of hardware and software, while the other half comes from high-quality services, including complete data life cycle projects and one-off professional service engagements.

The Challenge

In the past, iSYSTEMS specialized in IT infrastructure and end-user computing transformations. However, as the company expanded, they started offering complete managed services to their customers and gained significant expertise in designing and deploying cloud infrastructure and services, which are essential components of most transformation projects nowadays.

“Our customers tend to be in the mid-tier, with anywhere between 100 to 3,000 users, working across all sectors. We have customers in insurance, media and healthcare, so where there is a desire and need to transform operations with digital services, we can help,” said Mick Cooper, managing director, iSYSTEMS.

Initially, iSYSTEMS only provided design and implementation services for their customers' projects, but they later shifted towards offering end-to-end services. To facilitate this transition, they needed a platform that would enable them to provide these services, manage licenses, and offer on-demand cloud infrastructure solutions in a single location.

The Solution

iSYSTEMS opted for ArrowSphere as their cloud service management platform of choice to streamline and enhance their managed services offerings. ArrowSphere's robust capabilities have empowered iSYSTEMS to efficiently transact licenses and deliver on-demand cloud infrastructure solutions on a global scale. 

In addition to these benefits, iSYSTEMS has also leveraged ArrowSphere's MyCloud Portal, a customer-facing storefront that they have white-labeled for their clients. This has enabled iSYSTEMS' customers to easily manage their licenses and user accounts independently, providing them with greater scalability and convenience. iSYSTEMS views this capability as a significant value-add, which is integral to the company's growth strategy.

“The next steps for us are to broaden our offering to customers, using ArrowSphere and MyCloud Portal as the platforms for selling bespoke backup and DR bundles, which incorporate our own services, a set of software tools and storage for archiving,” said Cooper. 

The Benefits

According to the iSYSTEMS team, MyCloud Portal has been well-received by their customers who are utilizing the system more frequently without requiring assistance from the iSYSTEMS team. 

The company credits Arrow and the ArrowSphere platform for enabling a seamless transition from a consultant to a cloud services partner. Leveraging Arrow's vast experience across various solution areas, including guidance from an ArrowSphere lead, has been instrumental in iSYSTEMS' success.

“We’re really happy with the service we get from Arrow. I find them easy to work with and look forward to doing more business together in the future,” said Cooper.

ArrowSphere: A Cornerstone of iSYSTEMS’ Success

The Arrow team, the ArrowSphere platform and MyCloud Portal form a cornerstone of iSYSTEMS’ success. The agile company has grown and adapted its offering to accommodate changing market conditions, new technology and customer demands, with Arrow’s full support along the way.


We are really satisfied with the service we are receiving from Arrow. It is easy for me to work with them, and I am looking forward to doing more business together in the future.

Mick Cooper

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