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Come and meet us at SLUSH 2022

BloggausWhat is Nordea Investor Speed Dating?

Nordea Investor Speed Dating is a virtual matchmaking event for high growth startups and scaleups seeking the right investors. Meetings are pre-booked one-to-one discussions between companies and investors, so this is not a pitching event. Our goal is to make this event the most efficient 2,5 hours of your year.

How this works?

Nordea Investor Speed Dating is designed for Nordic growth companies to help in finding the right investor. We work with over 200 local and global investor funds. For each event we carefully review all applications and select the ones that match with the investment scope of the attending venture capital funds. The venture capital funds will decide the companies they want to meet in one-to-one meetings.


How to apply?

Choose the most suitable event for you and send your application. The application should always be in English (also the pitch deck). Remember to pay extra attention to the elevator pitch so you will stand out from the crowd. Send your application by 28.10.2022.


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Nordea - Muita bloggauksia

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