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Danfoss – making supply of freshwater even more reliable

ReferenssiDanfoss is world-renowned for its technology, innovations, and reliability. Distence is proud to partner with Danfoss in delivering even more reliable solutions to Danfoss customers.

Danfoss High-Pressure Pumps (HPP) are used globally in a wide array of applications, ranging from reverse osmosis to fire fighting. Their reliability is critical to the processes they support.

Continuous measurement and monitoring with automatic alarms help with early detection of potential faults or failures in several parts of the pump that otherwise, eventually could lead to expensive downtime, shortage of supply, or even environmental hazard.

With continuous monitoring and the transparency it offers, the process from the detection of abnormal behavior to spare part inventory management and repairs can be optimized, and the risk of unplanned downtime can be reduced. The visibility to the pump, often remotely installed, helps R&D- as well as O&M-organizations, to understand the actual use and condition of the pump in the environment it is installed in.

“Cooperation with Distence started already in 2018, and we are now in the process of evaluating the condition monitoring technology on a global scale. We are convinced of the potential of applying this kind of technology, and we are keen to develop our concepts and solutions further,” said Georg Herborg

Janne-Pekka Karttunen, CEO at Distence: “Distence is honored to partner with a global and demanding customer like Danfoss High-Pressure Pumps in developing digital solutions for critical pumps. We are at our best with assets in demanding environments and see a great fit in this new partnership.”


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