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Frends enters the Leader Grid by G2 in the "API Management" Category for Winter 2023

BloggausWe are proud to announce that Frends has been recognized with 10 new badges this season and as a Leader in "API Management" by G2 — one of the world's leading and trusted software marketplaces.

Customers and users have ranked Frends highly across European and Global regions in multiple categories and various organizational sizes and types. In the API Management category, Grid® Report for API Management | Winter 2023, Frends has been named a Leader based on receiving a high Customer Satisfaction Score and having a significant Market Presence.

"100% of users rated Frends 4 or 5 stars, proving that we are developing our solution in the right direction. Frends is now present in 16 countries, and we have seen an 800% increase in our end-user base rate only this year alone. We are strongly heading towards becoming a top 3 European iPaaS on the market and a top 1 iPaaS in Northern Europe," shares Jukka Rautio, CEO at Frends.

 G2 Grid® for API Management Tools

Big thanks to our community and clients that entrust Frends with integration projects of all complexities and sizes. Our team is dedicated to delivering the highest and most innovative services and will keep shaping Frends following invaluable feedback and insights from our customers and G2 community. Your recognition means that we are on the right track!

G2 Quotes

Frends has also been recognized in the Embedded Integration PlatformsAPI Design ToolsiPaaSETL Tools, and Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) categories, and can be seen in the following reports by G2:

Best Support

Mid-Market Relationship Index for API Management | Winter 2023

Fastest Implementation

Implementation Index for API Management | Winter 2023

Implementation Index for API Design | Winter 2023

Mid-Market Implementation Index for API Management | Winter 2023

High Performer

Grid® Report for Embedded Integration Platforms | Winter 2023

Grid® Report for ETL Tools | Winter 2023

Europe Regional Grid® Report for iPaaS | Winter 2023

Mid-Market Europe Regional Grid® Report for iPaaS | Winter 2023

Europe Regional Grid® Report for Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) | Winter 2023

Mid-Market Grid® Report for API Management | Winter 2023

Highest User Adoption

Implementation Index for Embedded Integration Platforms | Winter 2023

G2.com Inc - the largest and most trusted software marketplace. More than 80 million people annually—including employees at all Fortune 500 companies—use G2 to make smarter software decisions based on authentic peer reviews.

You can access the reports by G2 via this link

Check Frends profile on G2

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