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Frends for SaaS

BloggausIn a fast-paced business environment where changes happen quickly, it isn’t easy to plan for the future. In addition, managing integrations can often be time-consuming and expensive, adding to these challenges. But with the right partner, companies can focus on what matters most – developing their core business, being innovative and creative and driving customer value.

SaaS vendor, are you closing deals, but the revenue streams are on hold?

Integrations are the biggest headache for any SaaS vendor. No system is an island of its own - everything needs to connect. All you need is Frends. As OEM or white-labelled as a part of your offering. We'll be the pill to remove integration headaches.

With Frends, SaaS Vendors can focus on what matters most. Developing their core business, being innovative and creative and driving customer value. Focus on what matters most.

  • Scale up the core business
  • Develop the product
  • Ensure customer satisfaction
  • Adapt to customer needs.
  • Don't waste time on integrations. We'll do it for you.
SaaS companies must ensure that their platform can communicate with other systems.

There is no need to build any separate back-end infrastructure and interfaces. Instead, speed up the development of your own product. Frends works in cloud, hybrid, multi-cloud, data fabric and compliant cloud environments.

6 Reasons Why Frends iPaaS for SaaS

Gains through efficiency

  • Win more projects and revenue streams as you have more time to focus on sales.
  • Build and leverage reusable for your customers.

Agile integration platform

  • Low-code + No-code - more potent than only no-code. Especially on the enterprise system level.
  • Made for BizDevOps teams

Save engineering time

  • Focus on your main product functionality
  • Save time and money on internal development
  • Replace manual work with automation and scheduled tasks, such as monitoring & API management

Improve onboarding and cashflow

  • Faster onboard new customers
  • Speed up implementations. Start invoicing without having to wait for 3rd party integrators
  • Activate faster MRR

True GDPR and Cloud Compliance

  • Ensure the compliant processing of personal data within the EU/EAA

Visibility and Control

  • Get 360° visibility for better customer service.
  • Get the most out of smooth troubleshooting with a transparent audit trail.

contact us

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